● 講座日期:2015/04/02
主講者 簡忠威 老師
1968 出生於台灣基隆。
1979 十歲立志當畫家。
1985 正式進入畫室學習素描、水彩。
1986 學美術術科入學考試,以素描全國最高分,水彩卻是連低標都不夠的60分,應屆考入輔仁大學應用美術系。
1990 以七幅水彩肖像畫為畢業製作,自輔仁大學應用美術系畢業。
1998 台灣師範大學美術研究所西畫創作組碩士。
1998 舉行研究所畢業水彩創作首次個展「世紀末交響詩」。出版《簡忠威畫集》。
1999 第二屆東華扶輪美術獎得主。
2001 與黃曉惠共同創立「簡忠威畫室」,進行基礎繪畫教學。
2001 ~2011 擔任輔仁大學應用美術系水彩課程兼任講師。
2006 出版水彩工具書《看示範學水彩》。
2009 獲選為台灣百年水彩經典三十位畫家之一,受邀參展「台灣經典水彩特展」。
2010 於簡忠威畫室架構全球獨創現場示範視訊直撥教學系統,進行水彩畫教學 。
2013 獲法國《水彩藝術》雜誌第12期秋季號,以十頁篇幅專題訪問。
2014 畫作《大阪小鎮》入選美國水彩畫協會AWS第147屆國際年展(首位台灣畫家入選該年展)。
2014 舉行第二次水彩個展,出版語錄畫冊《形趣之境》。
2014 《威尼斯水道》入選澳洲《國際藝術家雜誌》(International Artist Magazine)第八十屆藝術獎項挑戰決賽,並刊登於同年4/5月出版的第96期雜誌。
2014 受邀泰國世界水彩博覽會(World Watermedia Exposition Thailand)寫生名家。
2014 畫作《威尼斯水彩印象》入選加拿大水彩畫家協會(Canadian Society of Painters in
Water Colour)Open Water公開評審年展。
2014 畫作《威尼斯之夜》入選全美水彩畫會NWS第94屆國際年展並榮獲署名會員資格。
2014 畫作《合掌村的雪景》榮獲Watermedia Showcase 2014年度大賽第一名。
2014 受邀參加中國廣東省中山市首屆中山國際水彩名家邀請展暨名家寫生。
2014 獲《水彩藝術資訊》第17期雜誌(2014年12月)專訪。
2014 獲法國《水彩藝術》雜誌第17期冬季號專訪。
2015 畫作《八里左岸》入選美國水彩畫協會AWS第148屆國際年展,並榮獲Alan R. Chiara紀念獎。
Chung-Wei Chien
1968 Born in
Keelung, Taiwan.
1978 Aims to be a
1985 Attends art
studios learning sketching and watercolor.
1986 Attends the Department of Applied
Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University with a top of the nationwide score in
sketching, but a pretty low score in watercolor on the college extrance
1990 Graduates from
the Deparment of Applied Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University with seven watercolor
portraits as the honors project.
1998 Earns the
master degree in Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University; opens the first
solo exhibition, "Symphony Poems in the End of 20th Century", and
publishes The Watercolor Collection of
Chung-Wei Chien.
1999 Receives the
Second Annual Arts Award, Rotary Club of Taipei Tunghua.
2001 Co-founds Chung-Wei Chien's Art Studio with Hsiao-Hui Huang; teaches painting basics.
2001 - 2011 Works as a
part-time lecturer teaching watercolor couses in the Department of Applied
Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University.
2005 - present Serves as the
director of Chinese Asia-Pacific
Watercolor Association.
2006 Publishes Learning Watercolors from Demonstrations.
2009 Is selected as
one of the 30 painters in One Hundred Years of Watercolor in Taiwan and is
invited to join the Exhibition of Watercolor Classics in Taiwan.
2010 Sets up the
world's first live demonstration teaching system in Chung-Wei Chien's Art
Studio for teaching watercolor.
2013 Is featured in
the 13rd issue of The Art of Watercolour
Magazine: France, Sep. /Oct., 2013.
2014 Is selected in
the 147th AWS Annual International Exhibition and is the first Taiwanese
painter got selected in the AWS annual exhibition.
2014 Opens the
second solo exhibition and publishes The
Intrigue of Form.
2014 The Waterways in Venice, is selected as
the finalist in International Artist
Magazine’s Art Prize Challenge No. 80 and is published in Issue 96
April/May 2014.
2014 Is invited by
the World Watermedia Exposition Thailand for group exhibition and painting on
2014 The Watercolour Impressions of Venice is
selected in the Open Water, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Annual
Open Juried Exhibition.
2014 One Night in Venice is selected in the 94th NWS Annual International Exhibition and is the
first Taiwanese painter got selected in the NWS annual exhibition and became
the signature member.
2014 Snow Scene in Shirakawa wins the Best of Show in Watermedia
Showcase competition 2014.
2014 Is
invited by Zhongshan
International Watercolor Exhibition for the group exhibition and
painting on site.
2014 Is featured
in the 17th issue of Watercolor
Express Magazine: Taiwan, Dec. 2014.
2014 Is featured in the 17th
issue of The Art of Watercolour
Magazine: France, Dec. 2014/Feb. 2015.
2015 Bali Left Bank Park wins the Alan R.
Chiara Memorial Award in the 148th Annual International Exhibition
of American Watercolor Society (AWS).